Level Up Your Brand, Sales and Marketing Strategy with Online Competitions and Games

Level Up Your Brand, Sales and Marketing Strategy with Online Competitions and Games

Today, we will discuss the impact of online competitions and games in giving your brand a boost in both awareness and customer engagement. With the advent of technological innovation, the competition for attention, time, and data has become more intense than ever before. The internet and the psychology surrounding it have brought forth a wealth of information and ideas that are packaged enticingly, stimulating our senses and prompting our faculties to take action or respond. By incorporating online competitions and games into your marketing strategy, you can attract and engage your customers with simple, easy, and captivating activities. Whether you're a small startup or an established business, these interactive elements can set your brand apart from the competition and be a game-changer. So, let's explore how online competitions and games can benefit your brand.


1. Grabbing Attention with Gamified Experiences:

It's undeniable that traditional advertising methods are no longer as effective as they used to be. With the rise of the internet, people are spending less time watching TV or reading newspapers and more time on their phones. This is where they get their news, conduct their searches, read reviews, and make buying decisions. Therefore, incorporating online competitions and games with prizes can be a great way for your brand to capture the attention of potential customers. By gamifying your marketing efforts, you not only capture their interest but also create an emotional connection subconsciously with your brand. Who doesn't love a little friendly competition and prizes at the end?


2. Boosting Brand Awareness:

Hosting online competitions and games can provide an excellent opportunity to engage with your customers digitally. This engagement can translate into greater brand awareness through word-of-mouth marketing, resulting in a wider audience being reached than you could have ever imagined. When designed purposefully, cleverly and with intent, these activities can go viral, creating excitement and generating buzz around your brand. People love to share their achievements and high scores on social media, pictures of prizes they have won, and online game challenges. This further exposes your brand to potential customers, giving it wings through free exposure. By leveraging the power of digital games and competitions, you can create a win-win situation for your brand and customers.


3. Case Studies:

3.1 ABSP Omni Referral Promotion

African Business Solutions Provider (ABSP) developed the ABSP Omni Referral Promotion, an online competition that has been very successful. Currently, the ABSP website has almost 20 registered participants who have received their unique referral codes. The participants were then encouraged to share about the ABSP website promotion with friends and family using their unique code. For every referral that resulted in a purchase, participants earned points, and their total scores are displayed on the leader board. Once they have accumulated 30 points, they are entitled to a brand-new laptop. This strategy has not only promoted ABSP's products and services but also incentivized customers by turning them into brand ambassadors. If you want to join this exciting promotion that ends on December 31, 2023, click here to register.


3.2 Tradata Games

To complement Tradata’s content management strategy, ABSP developed and implemented an exciting game, under the banner “Tradata Games”. The game aims to challenge the general knowledge of Tradata customers in the fields of ecommerce, procurement, supply, and logistics. With fun and simple visuals, the game begins by asking relevant questions. Participants can then click a link to a back-to-school feel answer form, where they can fill in their answers and submit them. After submitting the answers, they will be marked, evaluated, and graded, then sent back to the participants. Why don’t you test your knowledge in this area? Click here to play the game.


While participating in these competitions, participants are required to provide their contact information or answer specific questions. This data is a goldmine for future marketing efforts such as understanding our audience better, segmenting and personalizing future communications with customers. By utilizing the insights gained from these activities, one can tailor make product offerings to meet your customers' unique needs and preferences, ultimately driving more conversions and brand loyalty.



Online competitions and games can provide a unique and engaging way for brands to connect with their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. By incorporating these strategies into your brand's content, sales and marketing approach, you can significantly enhance customer engagement and improve their overall experience. So, why not consider including online competitions and games in your brand's marketing strategy? Click here or contact us via email at info@absp.online or call +26377482005 to start a discussion.

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